
We are all invited to Remember!

The greatest achievement in life, is just to live. 

Even there is great joy, even there is great suffering in your life, the greatest achievement you can enter is to live. It is not about fixing one thing or the other, it is not about getting more or less of one thing or the other, all of that is constantly changing - what ever situation you are in, let it be your wake up call, allow it to be what reminds you of love. 

To enter Truth or The True Self is formless, it is universal, it dosen't require a specific kind of clothes, a specific way to sit, or a unique kind of herbal tee to drink, there are no steps to make; there is nothing to trust, there is just Truth, it is universal and it applies to everyone.  

So no matter who you are in this life, there is an invitation to rise within into what we could call your inner leadership, to remember that the most reliable way forward is inward, and there you will find that all you ever need rests, right there, within your True Self. 

When Truth is re-membered, all there is left is to Live.

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Work with Mandira

Since 2004 Mandira has offered her mentoring to individuals, in groups, in businesses, actually she has always answered when she has been called to inspire. All is energy, as she says, meaning that the only thing that can seem tricky is the complexity and illusion of the emotions and the thoughts, and the way we have in-tangled us into that.

In huge business with many employees, in small families or just that one person taking the steps of life, it's all the same. To enter the inner leadership, that place, where all resources that you will ever need resides, one must rise within, dare to face what may come and allow the innerstanding to have a say, instead of only listening to the thoughts, the emotions, the understanding.

Truth has no religion, is demands no specific eating habits or meditation postures, it is universal to all. Everyone knows, that in the meeting with truth it is like everything falls into place, unguarded a smile is emerging on the face and in the heart. Yes the ego will take its battle, but it's only for a little while, if you don't feed it, the mind will slowly start to listen to your inner directions. Slowly an inner peace starts to spread in your entire being, and your full resources lights up, your inner leadership is emerging. 

I'm here for you, I'm called to Knock on Hearts, it's both an honor and privilige to be invited to walk with you!
All the best to you, Always!


Mandira speaks both danish and english.